Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase I


East Harriet
Year One
Housing *
Mod #s
01 SAFETY AND CRIME PREVENTION Police Buy-back _ ______      5 City/Park Police Outreach _ ______ Dilapidated Housing/Crime Fund _ ______      5,9,16
1.3.1-2.1 Residential Lighting _ ______      3,4,5,6,8,24,25
1.3.1-2.2 Park Lighting _ _$64,000.00 ____$64,000.00     5
1.3.1-2.3 Motion Detector Rebates _ _$2,000.00 ____$2,000.00     5,11
1.3.1-2.4 New Residential/Business Node Lighting _ _$32,625.00 ____$32,625.00     5,11,16
02 HOUSING Conduct Zoning Study _ ______ Condition Code _ ______ Rental Property Recognition _ ____$200.00 _$200.00   $3,900.00 2,19 Rent-to-Own Stipend _ $9,400.00 $6,700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $500.00 _$18,000.00 $18,000.00   2 Promote MCDA Grant/Loan Programs _ ______ Housing Rehab Fund _ $45,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 _$195,000.00 $195,000.00   5 Housing Revolving Loans _ $480,000.00 ____$277,330.57 $480,000.00 $480,000.00 $277,330.57 12,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
03 COMMUNICATIONS Kiosks _ ______      8 Neighborhood Notebooks _ $9,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 _$19,000.00 Youth-based Distribution _ $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 _$12,500.00 $6,750.00 Newsheets _ $2,500.00 $10,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 _$20,000.00 $10,800.00   5 Neighborhood Brochures _ $3,500.00 _$1,000.00 ___$4,500.00 Implementation Coordinator _ $25,000.00 $72,000.00 $30,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 _$151,000.00 $81,540.00   5,7,12
04 SCHOOLS Barton - Physical Rehabilitation _ ______ Barton - Playground _ _$75,000.00 ____$75,000.00     3 Cross Over Board Member _ ______       
5.1.2-3.1 Lyndale Park - Neighborhood Outreach _ $25,000.00 $72,045.00 ____$97,045.00     1, 4, 5, 6 Lyndale Park - Tennis Courts/Fence _ _$59,999.89 ____$59,999.89     5,10,11 Lyndale Park - Fox Sculpture _ ______      5 Lyndale Park - Programming/Supplies _ _$29,309.90 ____$29,309.90     5,23 Bird Sanctuary - Trees _ ______      5 Lake Harriet - Spiff the Biff _ _$5,000.00 ____$5,000.00     5
6.1.1-3.1 Business Facade Improvements _ _$20,084.52 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $8,500.00 _$38,584.52   $56,500.00 13,16,17,18,19,20,23
6.1.1-3.2 Streetscape Improvements _ _$5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $1,500.00 _$16,500.00     13
07 TRAFFIC/NOISE Traffic Improvements _ _$86,987.59 _$6,190.00 $6,300.00 _$99,477.59     1,3,5,8,11,16 Auto Alternatives Promotion _ ______      5, 7
08 ENVIRONMENT Tree Planting _ $26,100.00 _____$26,100.00 Replacement Reserve for Trees _ _$6,300.00 $6,300.00 $110.00 __$12,710.00     1 Environmental Education _ _$10,200.00 ____$10,200.00     5,14
09 COMMUNITY EVENTS Events _ $1,000.00 $13,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 _$29,500.00 $15,930.00   5,9 Neighborhood Distribution _ $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 _$11,000.00 $5,940.00    
PHASE 1r TOTAL  $24,000.00 $100,748.10         $124,748.10   $413,202.35  
TOTAL  $654,000.00 $728,500.00 $112,500.00 $70,500.00 $68,500.00 $1,634,000.00 $813,960.00 $750,932.92  
% FOR HOUSING54%    
*Some values in the Total Housing column are administrative costs that are housing related.
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Full Action Plan12/08/17The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $299,142.45 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.) to Phase II strategy, Lyndale Farmstead Park (Phase II Plan, Parks 1.1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #24 and Phase II Plan Modification #13.) The modification also reallocates $2,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.) to Residential Lighting (Housing 3.1-2.1.).
2Full Action Plan07/25/96The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan eliminating Rental Property Recognition (Section II Housing, Subsection 3) and reallocating $6,000 from that line to Rent-to-Own Stipends (Section II Housing, Subsection 4). PLEASE NOTE: This plan modification leaves $200 in 1997 for Rental Property Recognition.
3Full Action Plan12/04/96The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $37,500 from Residential Lighting (1994) and $37,500 from Traffic Improvements (1995) for a total of $75,000 to Barton Playground.
4Full Action Plan01/22/97The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $5,000 in 1994 funds from Residential Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention, Goal 3, Objective 2, Strategy 1) to Neighborhood Parks Outreach (Parks, Goal 1, Objectives 2 and 3, Strategy 1).
5Full Action Plan05/19/97The Policy Board approved a modification to the plan to shift funds in the following manner: (1) $5,000 in 1993 from Police Buyback (Safety and Crime Prevention, Goal 2, Objective 1, Strategy 1); (2) $157,500 in 1994 from Residential Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.2.1); (3) $5,000 in 1993 from Housing Rehab Fund (Housing 6.2.1); (4) $3,000 in 1993 from Trees for Bird Sanctuary (Parks 2.1.2); and (5) $57,500 in 1994 from Traffic Improvements (Traffic/Noise 4.4.2). Of this $228,000, the funds will be reprogrammed as follows: (1) $10,000 in 1994 to a new strategy, Dilapidated Housing/Crime Fund (Safety and Crime Prevention 2.2.2); (2) $7,500 in 1994 to Newsheets (Communications 1-3.1.2c); (3) $30,000 ($13,000 in 1993 and $17,000 in 1994 to Implementation Coordinator (Communications 1-3.1.3); (4) $38,000 in 1994 to Neighborhood Parks Outreach (Parks 1.2-3.1); (5) $60,000 in 1994 to a new strategy, Replace Tennis Courts/Fence (Parks 1.4.2); (6) $30,000 in 1994 to a new strategy, Park Programming/ Supplies (Parks 1.5.4); (7) $5,000 in 1994 to a new strategy, "Spiff the Biff" (Parks 3.1.1); (8) $25,000 in 1994 to a new strategy, Automobile Alternatives Promotions (Traffic/Noise 4.5.3); (9) $15,000 to a new strategy, Environmental Education (Environment 2.2.2); and (10) $7,500 in 1994 to Events (Community Events 1.1.1). The modification also shifts $110,000 in 1994 from Residential Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.2.1) to three new strategies: (1) $64,000 to Park Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.1-2.2); (2) $2,000 to Motion Detector Rebates (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.1-2.3); and (3) $44,000 to New Residential/Business Node Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.1-2.4).
6Full Action Plan09/15/97The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $1,555 in 1994 from Residential Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.1-2.1.) to Neighborhood Parks Outreach (Parks 1.2-3.1.). The funds will be used for new programs at the Southwest Senior Center.
7Full Action Plan01/25/00The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1994 from Auto Alternatives Program (Traffic/Noise 4.5.3.) to Implementation Coordinator Communications 1-3.1.3.).
8Full Action Plan04/25/01In a letter dated April 25, 2001, the NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $99,258 ($4,000 in 1993 and $95,258 in 1994) to a new strategy, Phase II Plan Development. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $38,445 in 1994 from Residential Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.1-2.1.); (2) $4,000 in 1994 from Kiosks (Communications 1-3.1.1.); and (3) $56,813 in 1994 from Traffic Improvements (Traffic/Noise 4.4.2.).
9Full Action Plan07/25/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $5,000 in 1994 from Dilapidated Housing/Crime Fund (Safety and Crime Prevention 2.2.2.) to Events (Community Events 1.1.1.).
10Full Action Plan10/21/02 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to revise the wording of Replace Tennis Courts/Fence (Parks 1.4.2.) to include additional improvements.
11Full Action Plan04/16/03The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $8,380.94 in 1994 to Traffic Improvements (Traffic/Noise 4.4.2.) from the following strategies: (1) $8,380.83 from New Residential/Business Node Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.1-2.4.); and (2) $0.11 from Replace Tennis Courts/Fence (Parks 1.4.2.). The modification also revises the wording of Motion Detector Rebates (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.1-2.3.) to include neighborhood signs and t-shirts as an eligible NRP activity under the strategy.
12Full Action Plan01/11/05 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $20,000 in 1993 to Implementation Coordinator (Communications 1-3.1.3.) from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.). On March 24, 2005, the NRP Director amended the plan modification to reallocate the funds, instead, to Phase II Plan Development (Phase II Plan Development 1.1.1.). (This is Phase I plan modification #12 and Phase II plan modification #2.)
13Full Action Plan04/06/05 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $3,500 in 1997 from Streetscape Improvements (Business 1.1-3.2.) to Business Fa%E7ade Improvements (Business 1.1-3.1.).
14Full Action Plan03/15/06The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $4,800 in 1994 from Environmental Education (Environment 2.2.2.) to Phase II strategy, Bryant/Barton Environmental Awareness Team (Phase II Plan, Schools 1.1.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #14 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.)
15Full Action Plan12/03/08The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $20,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.). to Phase II strategy, Plan Implementation Support (Phase II Plan, Program Implementation 1.1.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #15 and Phase II Plan Modification #4.)
16Full Action Plan11/03/09The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $15,084.52 in 1994 to Business Facade Improvements (Business 1.1-3.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in 1994 from Dilapidated Housing/Crime Fund (Safety and Crime Prevention 2.2.2.); (2) $2,994.17 in 1994 from New Residential/Business Node Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.1-2.4.); and (3) $7,090.35 in 1994 from Traffic Improvements (Traffic/Noise 4.4.2.).
17Full Action Plan08/23/10The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $20,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.). to Phase II strategy, Plan Implementation Support (Phase II Plan, Program Implementation 1.1.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #17 and Phase II Plan Modification #5.) The modification also reallocates $9,500 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.). to Business Facade Improvements (Business 1.1-3.1.).
18Full Action Plan07/07/11The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.). to to Business Facade Improvements (Business 1.1-3.1.).
19Full Action Plan06/28/13The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,900 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.). to the following strategies: (1) $3,900 in Program Income to Rental Property Recognition (Housing 3.1.1.); and (2) $7,000 in Program Income to Business Fa%E7ade Impeovements (Business 1.1-3.1.).
20Full Action Plan05/19/15The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.). to Business Fa%E7ade Impeovements (Business 1.1-3.1.).
21Full Action Plan12/01/15The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $12,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.) to Phase II strategy, Bryant/Barton Environmental Awareness Team (Phase II Plan, Schools 1.1.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #21 and Phase II Plan Modification #10.)
22Full Action Plan03/11/16The NCR Director approved, based on Policy Board and City Council approvals, a plan modification to reallocate $8,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.) to Phase II strategy, Senior Programs and Activities (Phase II Plan, Community Building 3.1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #22 and Phase II Plan Modification #11.)
23Full Action Plan12/07/18The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $52,750 of Phase I funds to Phase II strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $690.10 in 1994 from Park Programming and Supplies (Parks 1.5.4.); and (2) $52,059.90 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $25,000 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Lyndale Farmstead Park (Phase II Plan, Parks 1.1.1.); (2) $2,500 ($690.10 in 1994 and $1,809.90 in Program Income) to Phase II strategy, Regional Parks (Phase II Plan, Parks 1.2.1.); (3) $25,000 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Senior Programs and Activities (Phase II Plan, Community Building 3.1.1.); and (4) $250 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Reduce Air Traffic Noise (Phase II Plan, Transportation and Noise 1.1.3.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #23 and Phase II Plan Modification #12.) The modification also reallocates $20,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.) to Business Facade Improvements (Business 1.1-3.1.).
24Full Action Plan12/08/17The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $299,142.45 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.) to Phase II strategy, Lyndale Farmstead Park (Phase II Plan, Parks 1.1.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #24 and Phase II Plan Modification #13.) The modification also reallocates $2,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loans (Housing 6.2.2.) to Residential Lighting (Housing 3.1-2.1.).
25Full Action Plan11/15/21The NCR Acting Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $2,407.94 in Program Income to Phase II strategy, Business Fa%E7ade Improvements (Phase II Plan, Businesses 1.1.3.) from the following strategies: (1) $2,000 in Program Income from Residential Lighting (Safety and Crime Prevention 3.1-2.1.); (2) $250 in Program Income from Phase II strategy, Reduce Air Traffic Noise (Phase II Plan, Transportation and Noise 1.1.3.); and (3) $ 157.94 in Program Income from Phase II strategy, Plan Implementation Support (Phase II Plan, Program Implementation 1.1.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #25 and Phase II Plan Modification #18.)

East Harriet Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P1) run on 09/01/2024 at 5:29 AM